- Mandarin: Native
- English: Conversational
- Japanese: Conversational
Programming Languages
- C/C++ 11
- Python (TensorFlow, Keras, scikit-learn, NumPy, pandas, jupyter notebook)
- JavaScript (Node.js, React.js, Redux, jQuery)
- Matlab
Development Skills
- git
- Unity3D
- Google App Engine
Work Experience
- BoniO Inc. Taipei, Taiwan
- Jul. 2015 – Jan. 2016
- Software Engineer Intern, Front-End Development
- Coordinated with back-end developers and UI designers to develop a new shopping system.
- Developed with React.js and Redux in ES6+ syntax.
- HTC Inc. Taipei, Taiwan
- Jul. 2014 – Aug. 2014
- Software Engineer Intern, Global Platform Development
- Coordinated with senior developers to develop a natural language processing system for Mandarin.
- Developed an android demo app for the system with 4 other interns.
Competition Experience
- Top 7% in Facebook Hacker Cup 2017 (904th place in Round 2 among 12804 participants)
- Top 4.8% in Google Code Jam 2017 (1214th place in Round 1 among 25288 participants)
Machine Learning
- Semi-supervised Learning in Picture Classification
- Nov 2016 – Nov 2016
- Dataset: cifar-10 (5,000 labeled images + 45,000 unlabeled images + 10,000 test images)
- Method: CNN, Semi-supervised learning, Autoencoder (Using Keras)
- Report
- Source Code
- StackOverflow Document Clustering (Machine Learning)
- Dec 2016 – Dec 2016
- Dataset: 20,000 StackOverflow documents crawled from the internet
- Methods: Bag-of-Words, TF-IDF, Latent Semantic Analysis, Word Vectors, K-Means, PCA, t-SNE (Using scikit-learn, gensim)
- Report
- Source Code
- Transfer Learning on Stack Exchange Tags
- Cryptocurrency Price Query and Alert Chatbot
- Mar 2017 – May 2017
- Allows users to query prices and receive price alerts of cryptocurrencies in Facebook Messenger.
- Built with Node.js and Facebook Chat API.
- Source Code
Side Projects
- Sudoku Solver
- Apr 2016 – Apr 2016
- A fast Sudoku solver written in Python.
- Beats 98.14% of submissions on LeetCode.
- Source Code
- Puzzle & Dragons Solver
- Nov 2014 – Jan 2015
- A path finder for the battle system in Puzzle & Dragons, a world-famous mobile game from Japan.
- Proposed, implemented, and compared multiple methods including breadth-first search (BFS), Depth-limited search (DLS), iterative deepening depth-first search (IDS) and A* search.
- Puzzle & Dragons Optimal Boards Searcher
- May 2017 - Jul 2017
- Find the optimal boards when there are > 15 orbs in one color.
- Demo
- Source Code
- Keyboard Pianist
- Jul 2017 - Aug 2017
- A piano web-app with natural key mapping.
- Demo
- Source Code
Courses Taken
- Advanced Digital Signal Processing
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Graphics
- Data Mining
- Data Structure and Programming
- Database Management System – from SQL to NoSQL
- Machine Learning
- The Design and Analysis of Algorithms